New York, NY – February 26, 2021 – Over the last year, the New York Cyber Task Force (NYCTF) gathered leading experts from business, policy and academia to analyze the degree to which the United States is ready for future cyber challenges to its national security. Today, the NYCTF will unveil its report on Enhancing Readiness for National Cyber Defense through Operational Collaboration, which identifies gaps in U.S. cyber response capabilities and details five recommendations for improving U.S. cyber readiness.
The NYCTF examined the future to anticipate severe shocks adversaries might present in the cyber realm in order to identify areas to improve national cyber readiness. Task Force members, including Dmitri Alperovitch, Admiral Dennis Blair, Erica Borghard, Michael Daniel and Phil Venables, identified drivers of cyber risk from geopolitical great power competition, to new technological advancements like artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT), as well as cyber adversaries leveraging the proliferation of advanced cyber tools.
Gregory Rattray, Executive Director of the NYCTF and co-founder of Next Peak states, “Recent events have demonstrated that the U.S. is not sufficiently prepared to respond to significant shocks. Given mounting cyber challenges, the US must take immediate steps to improve its readiness to withstand potential attacks in cyberspace. Improving cyber readiness must be a whole of nation effort. Operational collaboration entails deep organizational private-public partnerships, allowing them to conduct coordinated defense actions and develop joint cyber capabilities to respond to adverse cyber events. We need to invest in these capabilities today to be ready for the cyber threats of the future.”
To learn more, please join the Columbia SIPA’s 2021 Niejelow Rodin Global Digital Futures Policy Forum today at 12:00 – 1:30 PM ET. Panelists will discuss key findings from the report, the scenarios used to design the Task Force’s solutions and how the report can inform the Biden administration’s new direction and emphasis on preventing cyberattacks. A recording of the webinar will be available after the event.
Additional Task Force events include:
March 12, 2021 – panel event with the Council on Foreign Relations
March 17, 2021 – panel event with the Atlantic Council
May 20, 2021, 1:00 – 1:40 PM ET – RSA Conference, Operational Collaboration: Public-Private Partnerships for Cyber Resilience